

FY2024 Executive Capital Budget & Capital Improvement Plan Projects

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The 2024 Executive Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) invests in buildings, infrastructure, and other capital projects that make Madison a stronger, safer, and healthier community. The 2024 Executive CIP invests $1.5 billion in 164 projects and programs between 2024 and 2029, with $266.5 million scheduled for 2024. 

As with prior years, the 2024 Capital Budget is aligned with the elements of a great city, outlined in the comprehensive plan, Imagine Madison:

  1. Land Use & Transportation
  2. Neighborhoods & Housing
  3. Economy & Opportunity
  4. Culture & Character
  5. Green & Resilient
  6. Effective Government
  7. Health & Safety

Please click here to view some of the major projects included in the 2024 Capital Improvement Plan.

Additionally, a list of all active and completed projects, as well as information regarding each project, can be found here.

2024 Executive Budget and Capital Improvement Plan